
J's gemütliches Deutschtreffen

Wed, Apr 17 | 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Event Details

Wed, Apr 17
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
GSM Tables
논현동 182-24 Basement
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Event Timeline
  • 7:30 PM
    Enter and greet, topics
  • 9:00 PM
    German meetup finishes, enter social meetup
  • 10:00 PM
    Free-talking Party
  • 11:00 PM
    Event finishes
  • 1 free drink
  • Meetup Hosted by J, German Host
  • 1.5 hour meetup with topics and free talking
  • free entry into social meetup afterwards
  • Chance to meet 10 - 15 like minded people


Hello. I'm J, and I studied and graduated in Germany. Since I attended school in Germany, I can share various stories about Germans, German culture, and school life. I enjoy socializing with people and, though I may be a bit nervous about trying new things, I'm always up for a challenge. How about we study German together in English? I'm open to anyone who wants to have fun conversations in German or is interested in Germany. Let's have a great time together!
I will primarily assist you in everyday conversations in German, helping you become more comfortable with the language. If you have any good ideas for German language gatherings, please feel free to share them with me. I'll do my best to make our meetings enjoyable. See you on Thursday. Du bist großartig! (You are awesome!)



Hallo. Ich bin J und habe in Deutschland studiert und meinen Abschluss gemacht. Da ich in Deutschland zur Schule gegangen bin, denke ich, dass ich Ihnen viele Geschichten über die Deutschen, die deutsche Kultur und das Schulleben erzählen kann. Ich genieße es, mit Menschen in Kontakt zu treten und obwohl ich manchmal ein wenig nervös bin, wenn es darum geht, Neues auszuprobieren, stelle ich mich gerne der Herausforderung. Möchten wir gemeinsam Deutsch lernen? Wenn Sie Spaß daran haben, auf Deutsch zu plaudern oder Interesse an Deutschland haben, sind Sie jederzeit willkommen. Lass uns gemeinsam eine tolle Zeit haben! 



In erster Linie werde ich versuchen, Ihnen bei alltäglichen Gesprächen auf Deutsch zu helfen. Ich werde mich bemühen, Ihr Deutsch zu verbessern. Wenn Sie Ideen für Deutsch-Veranstaltungen haben, lassen Sie es mich bitte jederzeit wissen. Ich werde mein Bestes geben, um unsere Treffen unterhaltsam zu gestalten. Wir sehen uns also am Donnerstag. Du bist großartig!




Q: I'm not very good at the language I want to learn. Can I still join?


A: Of course! It's fine at any level. We have prepared tables suitable for each level, so you can learn alongside people at the same level.


Q: Is it okay if I arrive late?


A: Absolutely. Come when you're comfortable and leave when you want. It's a relaxed and friendly event, so feel free to come and go as you please.


Q: How can I participate? A: Just make a reservation here and come. We'll guide you on what you need when you arrive.



What makes the language exchange program special?




I'll introduce the special aspects of our language exchange program meetup.


- Our Unique Space: The GSM Terrace is exclusively designed for meetups. It's equipped for a variety of meetups to take place every day. From the staff to the menu, everything is tailored to create the perfect language exchange program meetup.


- Diligent and Friendly Staff: Our friendly staff enjoy welcoming new people to our fantastic venue. There are staff members at the entrance to guide you for events, and there are always staff members ready to listen to feedback.


- Sophisticated Matching System: Our specially designed matching software considers individual circumstances to help facilitate optimized connections.


- Personalized Content: Depending on your language learning level and interests, our system recommends suitable content. We provide recommendations upon your arrival or during online registration.


- Table Rotation: We facilitate meeting as many people as possible through table rotation every hour. You can connect with everyone.


- Rewards: The more you attend our events, the more points you can earn. These points can be exchanged for great rewards.


- Code of Conduct: Only healthy individuals can participate in the language exchange program meetup to make it a better experience. Individuals who receive three complaints from others will no longer be able to participate in the event. If you encounter any discomfort, please inform our staff.



In the last 6 months, an average of 5 people join this event. People come from facebook, naver, google and word of mouth.