조아써 예아 레츠고
great to meet nice people
Great experience!
Nice experience, good to improve yours skills languages and to make friends. 감사합니다
It's a perfect place to know new people and to practice the language you are learning. I loved.
다들 친절하고 활동도 재밌었어요!
Amazing people
It was fun
학교와는 다른 일상의 한국어를 들을 수 있어서 좋았다.
It was great I am returning to Seoul from leaving Adelaide on 9 may 2024 jetting into Seoul next day so looking forward to retti am now 50 years so I hope my age will not be a problem
지난 주에도 재미있어요.
Amazing information
I really like it. It's cozy and u meet nice people. More table rotation would be cool to meet more people :)
Nice.!!!very much fun!!!
처음 갔는데 생각보다 잼있었어요!!
It was a first time to participate on global meeting. I will visit in simillar group at next time again. 일본 및 영어 권 사람들 하고 재밌는 시간 보낼 수 있었습니다. 다음 번에 또 찾아 뵙도록 할께요.
Was fun again this week
Korea University meeting was also nice
매우 좋았습니아! 짱
굿굿 매우 좋았습니다
That was nice!!! :)
너무 친절하고 좋았습니다
좋은선생님. Dan I was very helpful
카페에서 생각보다 체계적이라 좋았습니다. 거의 무료로 진행해 주심에 감사드립니다.
It was fun and helpful!
It was fun and I learned a lot. Thank you.
Always a fun time at GSM!
일본어 실력을 키우는데 도움이 됩니다~
It was very exciting event that I could meet a lot of people from various background
It was a great event!
친절한 서비스에 감사합니다.
많은 사람들과 개더링하고, 영어도 연습하는 좋은 기회였어요!
Good to meet up in eng club
너무 재밌는 언어교환!
It was a wonderful experience to meet people and make new friends! Thank you for having me!!!
첫 방문!! 뻘쭘했지만 새로운 느낌, 재밌었어요!
This meeting was useful.
첫 참석이었는데 너무 즐거웠습니다! 다음 일정때도 참여하고 싶어요 :)
It was great night
No complaints
너무 재밌었어요!!
とても楽しかった! ありがとう!
재미있는 시간이 보내줘서 감사합니다??????
Nice to meet new friends
사람들이 모두 너무~~ 친절하세요!! 사람도 많아서 많은 사람들이랑 대화할 수 있어서 좋았어요^^
재미있게 잘 놀고 왔어요~~
Liked it a lot
It was a great event.
매장에 교안이 있어서 수업 진행에 큰 도움이 됐어요.
My tutor was very enthusiastic about my learning and helpful in encouraging me to speak.
일본어가 덕분에 늘었어요 고마워요!
I made a friend. It was a fun time.
Good enough
I couldn't stay for a long time but it was really fun and the members were all really nice!
I had a great time! Thank you so much❤️
일본어 느는데 도움이 많이 되고 있어요!
새로운 친구를 많이 만날 수 있어서 좋았어요!! 놀러오세요~
I had fun time
I was really happy that I met many new friends. Thank you❣️
진짜 훌륭했어요! 많이 친구를 사귈 수 있어요
Wonderful moment and great people :)
It was really nice!
I thought it was a really good event.
The instructor was amazing, informative, helpful and fun
It was really nice ^^
The tutor was absolutely great and lead the conversation so that both of us could participate. Even though we didn't have the same korean level
I have been to many language exchange meet ups. This one was a lot of fun I was able to make connections with other people broadening my friendships
I really enjoyed the meetup and would definitely join again. However, would there be tables where I can practice Korean? It seems everybody is fluent in English.
It was fun
Really nice organizers! Very collaborative with the people taking part in the language exchange.
Exciting Language Exchange!
It was my first time there. And id like to go again sometime.
너무 재밌었어요~ 영어로 자유롭게 이야기할 수 있는 기회가 많지 않은데 정말 좋았습니다 ㅎㅎ
It was great. People were great and the mood was so good, as well. We will visit there this Saturday again.
It was my first time to visit there and it was amazing! I can not wait to go GSM again! See you soon
I really enjoyed the meet up. I didn’t realise certain people were staff members..! Everyone was very kind and friendly. I feel like I was able to make good friends right away. I hope I’ll be able to visit again in the future. I wish I lived closer! ??
오랜만에 이것자것 신나게 이야기했네요.
즐거운 시간이었습니다.
That was fourth times to attend the meetings. As always, that was so nice time thanks to great people at there ")
다양한 분들에게 도움이 될 수 있어서 좋았어요~^^
언어 교환 및 좋은 사람들은 만나뵙게 되어 너무 좋았습니다
Awesome place to meet new people, practice the language you want to learn and learn new things about Korea. I definitely recommend checking out this place.
아는 친구들도 다시 만나서 즐거웠어요!
재미있고 즐거웠어요~
좋은 자리 만들어주셔서 감사합니다.
여러 국적을 가진 이들이 모여 언어와 경험을 공유하는 멋진 공간이었습니다.☺️
I wish there was one round of only speaking Korean. But the people I got to meet were really awesome.
I loved and I can’t wait to go again
너무 좋았습니다 :)
매우 만족입니다~!
I was a new commer in GSM yesterday. I really enjoyed.
즐거운 시간 보냈읍니다.
항상 좋고 재밌죠!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ gsm 짱!! 특히 마커스 짱!
It was a good time except so many people.
좋은 사람들이 많아 시간 가는 줄도 모르고 정말 재밌고 유익한 시간 보냈어요 고맙습니다^ ^
i dont know all the steps name so i cant give them any rate it was good that david greeted all the guests at the entrance and even when i was leaving, thanks yoon jungho to suggest me to join a game when i was passing by. see u, it was good to participate for the re opening day and see some old faces!
It was an amazing and special party! I hope I can enjoy this party again ?
I’ve been enjoying Na-young’s Sunday night on-line meet up. It was my last meeting of 2020. I could meet a lot of new friend in her room. See you next year!! Come to GSM!
Fue muy bien con host y los miembros :)
I had a wonderful time during our language exchange. The topics were interesting and well thought out by Lee, and I am looking forward to our next meeting!
Kainzie es una buena persona y ayuda mucho de tu español. Ella es de Peru, y tiene muchos interés de cultura coreana. Te recomiendo tomar la sesión con ella si quieres hablar español o conseguir una ayuda de tu español.
재밌고 유쾌한 시간이었습니다~ 외국인 분들과 이야기할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되었어요. 앞으로 자주 뵈어요!:D
여러 외국인들과 대화할 수 있는 기회를 가져서 좋았어요.
So awesome!!
Casual, comfortable yet organized online meeting in the recent Covid-19 situation! Would like to join again. Thanks!
It was great time to talk about fun topics with diverse people. Thanks!
정말 즐겁고 재밌었습니다. 오랜만에 영어로 말하는거라서 걱정했었는데 걱정할 필요가 없었어요! 준비된 질문들로 대화를 시작하니 자연스럽게 다른 대화로 넘어가고 재밌었습니다! 감사합니다 :)
James my tutor not just helped me with my Korean but how to stand up to some difficult people. And GSM I know it is a hard time but people still want to meet face to face. Dont give up. I love yesterday Korean class and the meeting even just 5 people. Dont give up
Yesterday was very good! I met some beautiful people and finally I was able to say 2 sentences in Korean and I feel happy and motivated! ?
Although it was small, we laughed and had a fun time.
전반적으로 좋았지만 자기소개는 짧게 했으면 좋겠습니다
Corona 시대에 다양한 나라사람들과 소통할 수 있어서 유익한 것 같아요. 만족스럽습니다 :) *간혹 내가 혹은 다른사람의 wifi가 문제되면 끊길수도 있는데 괜찮아요.
I was impressed with the free drinks and friendly staff and people attending. A great place to make new friends.
Enjoyed a lot, learned many new things about Korea. People are very friendly~
It was my first time to join this event and my Korean level is the lowest among the attendees but It was really fun.
Like always very cool and funny!
The language exchange ran smoothly and the lead was very organized. The time allotted for each rotation was just right, and I enjoyed getting to meet people virtually and practice Korean safely during the pandemic. I will definitely be attending again!
팀 리더분은 항상 좋으신듯 헌데요.. 항상 다른 한국분들이 좋으시면 그날 분위기가 좋은 듯 합니다 지난 주는 괜찮은 듯 했습니다
I was happy to be able to speak and share my culture with other people.
스페인어 밋업도 저녁 모임이 있으면 좋겠어욥!
화기애애한분위기라서 좋았습니다
very good, nice people from all over the world
처음엔 어색했지만 다들 언어 배우기에 열정적인 분들이라 금방 익숙해졌어요. 다양한 나라의 분들과 이야기 나눈 것도 좋았어요.
Fun party! Hope to have more communication
영어를 잘 못하는데 조금씩 느는거 같아요! 좋아요
She was so nice and really wanted to help me learn. I am extremely thankful for her help :)
It was an rare and decent experience that totally expoesed to general Spanish conversation. That motivated me a lot, next time i believe i can make better comprehension of myself. Hope this meet up go prosperous.
오래만에 가봤는데 재미있었어요!
It was really fun to talk with people from another country~ First time i was shy but Im getting used to it~:)
It's really fun. Thanks!!
It's a great time, so much fun. Thanks!
다들 착하고 친절해요
좋은시간 항상 감사드려요~
영어회화에 많은 도움이됩니다.
It was amazing!
Great meetup
I really enjoyed the Online English conversation with Nadia, there is always new interesting topics to discuss which covers different subjects, I really recommend others to join because I believe that it will help me as well as others to improve and level up our learned language and meet with other people from all over the world, also the hosting is very nice, well organised and efficient.
호스트 분께서 잘 대화를 이끌어주시고 재밌었어요
It was one of the best online meeting that I had! I met many good people and I could be friends with them easily!
El tiempo muy agradable :-)
간만에 왔는데 반가운 얼굴들이 있어서 좋았습니다.
Carito es linda!
호스트 분을 중심으로 다양한 주제로 프리토킹을 할 수 있었던게 좋았습니다
Great as always ? learnt a lot, lot many new korean words, the topic for discussion was really fun, had great conversations
It was so fun and great!!
다양한 분들을 만날 수 있어서 너무 좋아요~
재미있는 시간이었습니다. 감사합니다
Absolutely love these exchange sessions, it’s always great meeting new people and sharing amazing stories and improving vocab and speaking is a complete add on. Thanks for conducting, great topics every time ?
it was great! I like having a conversation with David and everyone there.
중국어를 많이 활용할 수 있었고 문화 교류 역시 만족스러웠습니다.
I really enjoyed that weeks language exchange.
It was really good.
It's great time. Thanks!
즐거웠어요~~ 담에 뵙겠습니다
Super fun and so many people as always!
Everything good, nice place
It was a good that she complimented my pronunciation!
Great! Very helpful for practicing your target language
언제나 반가운 사람들 : )
I had a good time with Marcus and the other language learners. The questions was good and useful except one that I couldnt understand
1시간이 순식간에 흘러갔습니다! 짧게 의견을 교환할 수 있었습니다. 대화 시간을 10분씩 연장해도 좋을 것 같습니다! One hour passed like a minute Can share opinion briefly Reckon 10 min adeed sound good
I was late for the event but they let me join in the next one. It was fun and I learned a lot. I will definitely join again. ?
호스트분이 재밌고 에너지 넘쳐서 좋았어요! 주군 최고 ㅋㅋ 중국인과 한국인 비율이 잘 맞아서 대화 할 수 있는 기회도 많아서 좋았어요.
호스트분이 굉장히 활발하고 에너지 넘쳐서 좋았어요 주군 최고! 그리고 중국인이랑 한국인이 골고루 섞여있어서 언어공부도 진짜 많이 되었습니다 자주 참여하고 싶네요.
I enjoyed my time with David and the other language learners. Their new format with 1 on 1 is good.
최고의 Host입니다
Good speaking practice. Will definately try again.
I visited the meetup for the first time in 3 years since I came back to Korea the last time. It seems that the location has been relocated to a new place, which looks more clean and organized. Staffs did the temperature check upon arrival and helped us with check-in. Since it's considered a first time visit, it would have been much appreciated if they could walk me through how it works there. Nevertheless, people were friendly so I was able to get around there and enjoy the meetup yesterday. You can also choose either a complimentary alcohol or two non-alcohol drinks. What was different from the last time was that they have added a new system that swaps groups of table after 1 or 2 hours if I'm not mistaken. I don't know what criteria they applied to swap tables. They probably swapped tables by level of learning language proficiency, which means there are different levels in every table. But this is based on my pure assumption. I would like to revisit next time. Thank you for organizing this meetup.
코로나 시대에 이렇게 사람들과 만나서 대화할 수 있어서 즐거웠어요.^^ 언어 교환 하는 것도 재미있어요^^♡
It was nice to meet people who have common interests and I admire your passion of trying to learn Korean. Also I will keep my English study as you guys like.
Every members were very friendly !
유익한 시간이었습니다~~
great as always, especially so many people came over! More than 15!!!
amazing meet !see you next time
오랜만에 유익한 시간이었습니다~
어저 졸아요 재미잇어요
오랜만에 재미있던 시간이었습니다~~
간만에 유익한 시간이었습니다~
친구들도 사귀고 재밌었어요.
1교시 고은쌤과 하는 영어수업, 실생활에 쓸 수 있는 표현들을 익힐 수 있어 넘 유익하고 좋았습니다. 2교시 아델리와 회화! 친절하고 편안하게 대해줘서 50분이 시간가는줄 모르게 지났습니다. 짧은시간이지만 영어에 대한 새로운 동기부여와 자신감을 얻은 시간이었습니다. 자유롭고 캐주얼한 분위기가 너무 좋았습니다. 나만 알고 싶은 영어학원,,✨
좋은 사람들과 오랫동안 재밌는 이야기를 한거 같아서 좋았습니다!
Magic Party! See you next time
즐거운 시간 함께 했습니다 : )
I had fun time talking with foreign friends!
Asa非常活跃,作为主持人,主持对话非常高兴。 아사는 활발하고 호스트로서 대화를 잘 이끌어줘서 좋아요
It was great.
Buena ambiente, buena conversación: )
love it and be there tonight australia time would love to improve my Korean more and help others with English if needed
4 stars because my level didn't match a bit. And i found it hard to understand some things ^ ^ But it still was fun ^ ^ i recommend everyone.
코로나때문에 사람이 적어서 아쉬운 부분이 많았지만서도 스페인어그룹에서는 화기애애한 분위기가 연출되어 "다음에 또 와야지" 라는 수줍은 마음으로 귀가 하였습니다. 다음주에는 듀올링고랑 스페인어교재로 미리 예습하여 일취월장한 모습으로 원어민 튜터님을 깜짝 놀라게 할 생각입니다. ^,. ^;
Sooo nice !!!!
Irene es buena leader, Siempre smiles
David's always great... you can trust his dad
Ha sido divertido como siempre
너무 재미있고 즐거운 시간이었어요 :)
We played rumikub game together. And Angela was super good at it so we had more fun ~~
It was good
I'm getting into this online meet up every week ! It's so helpful for my English skill better.
스페인어로 대화 많이 할 수 있는 좋은 기회였어요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 다들 좋은 분들만 오시는거 같아요 ㅎㅎ
It's a nice group.
선생님이 다정하고 이야기를 잘 들어주십니다.
Por coronavirus no hubo mucha gente pero fue divertido
Divertido, divertido
It was rainy day but some friends showed up We played cards and talked about hobbies One of new friends came and introduced some new ways to play cards. It was fun:)
Loved it! The environment is great and I felt it was easy to chat with people.
It was a really great time!
새로운 친구 사귀는게 이렇게 즐거운 일인지 몰랐네요^^
Irene es un host muy simpatica y amable
영어로 카드했는데 재밌었어요
It was so good, I have joined a lot of language exchange meetings before and I found them awkward and so... But this one was perfect!
It was my first time. I really enjoyed to talk with people from all around the world. Strongly recommend!
항상 친절하게 고마워요 ㅎ
The best!!!!
There were a few technical problems, so it was difficult to communicate during the first 2 table rotations. But then it turned out great during the end.
It was really interesting because i ve never done like this so.. excited! But Just a shame for me that it didn’t work so well with my connection..but it was good anyway i am gonna do this next time!
영어를 읽고 쓰기만하고 말하는건 오랜만이라 조금 낯설었지만 50분씩 두번 튜터와 대화 할 수 있어서 좋았어요
she is the best host !!!! awesome!! It was very funny and greatful moment yesterday party!
재밌었어요:) 또 참석할 예정입니다.
I participated in this meet-up last Saturday. The meet-up's atmosphere was really good. All people are kind and it was a good time to share various perspectives with each other. I would like to recommend this meet-up to other people who want to practice English in real life.
I found this exchange very enriching, there were Americans and Koreans which allowed me (being French) to improve myself in these two languages which are English and Korean, I would like to reproduce the experience again with pleasure
It was actually beyond my expectations. It was a little bit awkward when attendees rotate, but we eventually had a great conversation in the end. I would like to recommend this online program when someone is so busy and is hesitating to meet people in person given the situation at the moment
Great! It was really fun
늘 언제나처럼 즐거웠습니다~
I love the meet up! all of the participants are so kind and friendly, the topics given are also helped us maintain a fluid conversation!
The meeting is a good mix of regular members and new participants. Irene works hard to come up with fun topics for lively conversations. Jin Sol at the counter is also always ready to help us out when we need it.
Irene es la mejor profesora para estudiar y también una ㅎgenial persona verdaderamente! Si quieres conversar en español probablemente el mejor lugar para conocer la gente hispanohablante :-)
It was great time to meet people and to learn English. I hope the next time is also good time for me.
즐거운 시간 되었습니다~~
It was organized. I enjoyed. Thank you!
어제 친구랑 잘 얘기해서 새 친구도 알게 됐습니다.동갑 친구도 만나서 잘 보냈습니다.
운영진께 감사합니다 늘 배워갑니다 번창하세요
It’s always fun to meet new people every time I join!
너무 재밌었어요~!
Young man from Daegu was nice. We enjoyed talking with him :)
처음 참석이어서 긴장했었는데, 아사님께서 친절하게 이끌어 주시고, 중국 문화에 관심이 많은 친구들과 함께 대화할 수 있어 즐거운 시간이었습니다~^^
호스트 언니가 성격이 너무 좋으세요!
화기애애하고 즐거운 모임이었습니다!!
Su pasion nos da gran energia Ü
aun que llegue tarde disfrute mucho
좋앗어요 근데 너무 일찍부터 가서 에너지가 소진되었습니다 ㅠㅍ
Friendly environment is a reason I would say for people to come and try this program! All of tutors here will always be welcoming you with a big smile whether it's your first time or not, same goes to the host! I think it's well organized program for people who want to best on their english in practical way.
Came prepared and was ready to learn. Didn’t shy away from conversational topics even when hard.
항공작전사령부 현역군인 분께서 직접 참여해주셔서 시간가는줄 모르고 정말 다양한 이야기를 나눌수 있었습니다. 최고의 하루였어요.
많은 사람이랑 얘기를 나눠서 너무좋았어요
재미있는 시간이었어요~
It was really fun! Thank you ?
언어 교환 분위기가 매우 좋습니다. 친구들은 처음 뵙아도 영어로 취미, 생활 등을 친절하게 얘기할 수 있습니다. 제가 영어 교환을 참가했으니 교류 기법도 많이 받아들였습니다. 정말 재미있습니다.
It was a great experience to talk with a lot of new friends from different backgrounds! I highly recommend attending the meetings since diverse range of topics are discussed and also everyone is energetic!:)
Awesome as usual!
I had a great time and will continue to go. This works perfectly to practice my target language.
꿉꿉한 날씨에도 다들 활기찼어요
비가 왔지만 재미있었어요~
여기에 전체적인 리뷰를 남기는 건가요 ? 기쁜 마음으로 리뷰 씁니다 :) 코로나로 적적할때 우연히 알게된 곳인데 기대 이상이에요 ㅎ 외국인튜터와 1:1 아니면 1:2 로 한시간동안 얘기 할수 있는 기회가 많지 않은데 그런 기회가 있다는게 가장 큰 장점이고 다음 수업때 한국인 선생님과 진행하는 회화수업은 커리큘럼이 너무 맘에 들고 실질적 회화에 도움이 될것같아요 , 한국인 선생님은 어떤 영어단어에 쓰임새라 해야하나 이런걸 회화적으로나 문법적으로 이해가도록 잘 알려주세요 :) 1:5 다수이지만 개인과외 받는듯 맞춤식으로 편안한 분위기조성해줘서 금방 적응했어요 :) 호기심에다녔던 한달인데 더 할게요 ^^ 화이팅!
An easy and convenient way to meet new people and practice your listening and speaking skills!
다음에도 가고 싶어요
It was so wonderful to be able to interact with people from around the world. I wish to meet them again. I just got frustrated because I haven't practiced Korean language for a long time that I was having trouble with speaking and forgetting vocabularies.
I enjoyed the lessons so I didn't even know that an hour has passed! I wouldn't have had this unique experience without GSM. Of course, there are pros and cons to doing a language-exchange online, but in a situation like pandemic, it's really good way to be able to meet people from all over the world. Overall, I liked it and I might do it again soon! I appreciate GSM's effort!
다양한 분들 만날 수 있어서 넘 좋아요~
Buen tiempo como siempre : )
재미있는 시간이었어요~
I enjoyed the meeting. But, I think smaller group with 3 people would be more effective. All people could get enough time to talk.
새로운 분들을 만날 수 있어서 반가웠습니다!
We can talk in the good atmosphere, thanks pf. Seohee
It was truly a meaningful time under joy and excitements. The host was perfectly leading the atmosphere around us, and people were gentle enough to have some chilling moments together. Generally, it was qualitied.
Super fun and entertaining!
A really fun event with people all over the world, everyone was so eager to talk about anything!
알찬 밋업이였어요! 다음엔 더 많은 주제로 얘기하고 싶어요!
방에 누가 있느냐에 따라 분위기가 달라요. 사람들이랑 얘기할 수 있는 건 조항요.
비가 오는 날씨였는데도 사람 많이 왔네요!
좋은 밤을 보냈어요!많이 즐겼어요.
It was great to talk with everyone.
Para mí anoche fue la primera vez asistir a la reunión. Regresé a Corea de Argentina hace 4 meses. Ayer tuve muy buen tiempo recordando mis amigos en Argentina y Colombia. Hasta pronto. Yesturday, it was my first time going to the meeting. I came back to Korea from Argentina 4 months ago after my missions as a police attache in Argentina for 2 years. Yesturday I had very good time reminding my friends in Argentina and Colombia.
So nice good
I met a lot of people! Enjoyed talking about the topics. Great going! Can't wait for the next one!
Elle est très sympathique et patiente
언제나 요시코님 모임에는 사람들이 가장 많이 오는거 같아요. 코로나가 끝나지 않았지만 늘 요시코님 모임에 빠짐 없이 참석하시는 분들이 많아요.
항상 즐겁게 얘기하고 있습니다
I was happy to meet strangers from different places and sincerely wish I could have some long-term friendships with them.
이번에도 즐겁게 교류 잘 하고 왔어요~
쏘 굿입니다아아아아아
As always, fun and exciting to meet new people like this! A very good place to start if you dont know anyone in Korea :)
숙제 열심히 할게유☆
Although it's vacation time, 3 people showed up.. there was some interesting conversation about traveling and people.. we enjoyed it :)
I had a fun time meeting new people. We talked and laughed about so many things. I was kind of nervous in the beginning but everyone made everything so comfortable it felt like I was meeting my long-time friends. Can't wait to join again!
오늘 역시나 너무 좋았어요 수업도 세심하게 가르쳐주시고 상황설명도 해주시니까 좋았습니다