David Woodworth host
David Woodworth
Hello! I'm David. I've been with GSM since the beginning and I'm happy to meet you in the meetup. See you there!

Stacey Jeon
새로운 사람들과 영어로 이야기 나눌 수 있어서 좋았어요
새로운 사람들과 영어로 이야기 나눌 수 있어서 좋았어요
I had a lot of fun with them! David is an awesome host ever!?
I had a lot of fun with them! David is an awesome host ever!?
Dale Cyril Dejecacion
This is the best, if not perfect, online exchange program. Very dynamic and spontaneous
This is the best, if not perfect, online exchange program. Very dynamic and spontaneous
What an awesome and creative meetup it was. I enjoyed it a lot and I'd love to attend again soon. Thank you! :)
What an awesome and creative meetup it was. I enjoyed it a lot and I'd love to attend again soon. Thank you! :)
Gooòd Actually the first time, i was nervous and i thought the level gap was so big . I couldnt speak english well but second time, pretty good
Gooòd Actually the first time, i was nervous and i thought the level gap was so big . I couldnt speak english well but second time, pretty good

I enjoyed the event. The breakout sessions worked well, overall more English than Korean was spoked (unfortunately).
I enjoyed the event. The breakout sessions worked well, overall more English than Korean was spoked (unfortunately).
A very diverting language online exchange program, everybody from around the world seems very eager to talk about anything! Book and see for yourself you won't be disappointed!
A very diverting language online exchange program, everybody from around the world seems very eager to talk about anything! Book and see for yourself you won't be disappointed!
Inna Ermolaeva
Very engaging! Enjoyed a lot.
Very engaging! Enjoyed a lot.
Kayla Anderson
I was very shy at first but they made feel very comfortable.I had a lot of fun.
I was very shy at first but they made feel very comfortable.I had a lot of fun.
Very gooood:)!
Very gooood:)!
Inna Ermolaeva
Speaking club was super fun to participate in! The host and all the participants were super nice and encouraging to speak more! I signed up for all the speaking clubs until the end of summer :)
Speaking club was super fun to participate in! The host and all the participants were super nice and encouraging to speak more! I signed up for all the speaking clubs until the end of summer :)
Ray Lee
한시간이 정말 금방 갔네요. 유익한 시간이었습니다. 다음에 또 올께요.
한시간이 정말 금방 갔네요. 유익한 시간이었습니다. 다음에 또 올께요.
재미있게 대화했어요 !
재미있게 대화했어요 !
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
다양한 분들을 만날 수 있는 기회를 제공해 주셔서 감사합니다
다양한 분들을 만날 수 있는 기회를 제공해 주셔서 감사합니다
Thomas C. Kim
1. 2-3person is better 2. Session duration is 20min is good.
1. 2-3person is better 2. Session duration is 20min is good.
Leeza 리자
I had a fun time meeting new people. We talked and laughed about so many things. I was kind of nervous in the beginning but everyone made everything so comfortable it felt like I was meeting my long-time friends. Can't wait to join again!
I had a fun time meeting new people. We talked and laughed about so many things. I was kind of nervous in the beginning but everyone made everything so comfortable it felt like I was meeting my long-time friends. Can't wait to join again!
온라인으로 세계 각국의 친구들을 만날 수 있어서 재미있었습니다. 많은 인원들이 어떻게 해서 이야기를 할까 했는데 소모임 채팅창을 이용해서 소인원으로 대화 하는 것도 참석했습니다. 앞으로도 꾸준하게 이용하고 싶습니다~!! ^^ 프리토킹이 자유자재로 되는 그날까지 홧팅~!!!!
온라인으로 세계 각국의 친구들을 만날 수 있어서 재미있었습니다. 많은 인원들이 어떻게 해서 이야기를 할까 했는데 소모임 채팅창을 이용해서 소인원으로 대화 하는 것도 참석했습니다. 앞으로도 꾸준하게 이용하고 싶습니다~!! ^^ 프리토킹이 자유자재로 되는 그날까지 홧팅~!!!!
쏘 굿입니다아아아아아
쏘 굿입니다아아아아아
The meetup was great! I had the chance to meet people from around the world and learn a few Korean phrases too.
The meetup was great! I had the chance to meet people from around the world and learn a few Korean phrases too.
Thomas C. Kim
1. Table rotation time : 20=> 24min 2. Table crew number : 2-3 max
1. Table rotation time : 20=> 24min 2. Table crew number : 2-3 max

It was great to talk with everyone.
It was great to talk with everyone.

Jiyoon kim
방에 누가 있느냐에 따라 분위기가 달라요. 사람들이랑 얘기할 수 있는 건 조항요.
방에 누가 있느냐에 따라 분위기가 달라요. 사람들이랑 얘기할 수 있는 건 조항요.
Rechelle Orense
It was an awesome experience. First time joining in a language exchange event but I didn’t have a hard time communicating with other participants since they are helpful and accommodating. I’ll definitely join again.
It was an awesome experience. First time joining in a language exchange event but I didn’t have a hard time communicating with other participants since they are helpful and accommodating. I’ll definitely join again.
A really fun event with people all over the world, everyone was so eager to talk about anything!
A really fun event with people all over the world, everyone was so eager to talk about anything!
Thomas C. Kim
It is great!
It is great!
Super fun and entertaining!
Super fun and entertaining!

It helps to enjoy studying English and fun ~^^
It helps to enjoy studying English and fun ~^^
Leeza 리자
This meet-up is so nice! I hope to so this more often.
This meet-up is so nice! I hope to so this more often.
처음에는 어색했는데 호스트가 너무 잘 이끌어주고 새로운 친구들 만나는게 재밌었어요 ~ 계속 하고 싶어지네요^^
처음에는 어색했는데 호스트가 너무 잘 이끌어주고 새로운 친구들 만나는게 재밌었어요 ~ 계속 하고 싶어지네요^^
I enjoyed the meeting. But, I think smaller group with 3 people would be more effective. All people could get enough time to talk.
I enjoyed the meeting. But, I think smaller group with 3 people would be more effective. All people could get enough time to talk.
J. Park
주제를 가지고 자유롭게 얘기할수 있어서 좋았어요. 하지만 소그룹에서의 이야기를 끌어갈 수 있는 리더가 필요할것 같고 대화시간이 짧기때문에 5인 이상보다는 3-4인이 적당하다고 생각합니다 :) 코로나때문에 단체 모임이 꺼려지는 시기에 온라인모임을 할 수 있는 기회가 생겨 좋았습니다.
주제를 가지고 자유롭게 얘기할수 있어서 좋았어요. 하지만 소그룹에서의 이야기를 끌어갈 수 있는 리더가 필요할것 같고 대화시간이 짧기때문에 5인 이상보다는 3-4인이 적당하다고 생각합니다 :) 코로나때문에 단체 모임이 꺼려지는 시기에 온라인모임을 할 수 있는 기회가 생겨 좋았습니다.
Meaghan Tobin
It was a good experience to try language exchange online because its not easy for me to go to seoul these days.
It was a good experience to try language exchange online because its not easy for me to go to seoul these days.
An easy and convenient way to meet new people and practice your listening and speaking skills!
An easy and convenient way to meet new people and practice your listening and speaking skills!
Katherine Langley
I had a great time and will continue to go. This works perfectly to practice my target language.
I had a great time and will continue to go. This works perfectly to practice my target language.
Inna Ermolaeva
Awesome as usual!
Awesome as usual!
It's was fun to meet other people from all around the world and be able to practice our target languages!
It's was fun to meet other people from all around the world and be able to practice our target languages!

Gyuri Lee
It was a great experience to talk with a lot of new friends from different backgrounds! I highly recommend attending the meetings since diverse range of topics are discussed and also everyone is energetic!:)
It was a great experience to talk with a lot of new friends from different backgrounds! I highly recommend attending the meetings since diverse range of topics are discussed and also everyone is energetic!:)
It was a precious time for me to meet new people and learn English verbal. Definitely, I am satisfied with the program.
It was a precious time for me to meet new people and learn English verbal. Definitely, I am satisfied with the program.
Rechelle Orense
It was really fun! Thank you ?
It was really fun! Thank you ?
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
재미있는 시간이었어요~
재미있는 시간이었어요~
Ray Lee
I really feeling like one hour goes really quickly. Was great time to see the people around the world And wish to join this meeting frequently.
I really feeling like one hour goes really quickly. Was great time to see the people around the world And wish to join this meeting frequently.
처음엔 어색했는데 호스트분들이 잘 이끌어줘서 너무 즐거웠어요~ 세계 각국 사람들 만나는게 신기하기도 하고~시간될때마다 들어갈것 같아요!
처음엔 어색했는데 호스트분들이 잘 이끌어줘서 너무 즐거웠어요~ 세계 각국 사람들 만나는게 신기하기도 하고~시간될때마다 들어갈것 같아요!
It’s always fun to meet new people every time I join!
It’s always fun to meet new people every time I join!
A great way to meet people and learn about their lives.
A great way to meet people and learn about their lives.
I love the meet up! all of the participants are so kind and friendly, the topics given are also helped us maintain a fluid conversation!
I love the meet up! all of the participants are so kind and friendly, the topics given are also helped us maintain a fluid conversation!
넘 즐거운 시간이었어요 대표님들 많이 뵙고 이야기도 많이 나눳네요 특히 음식중에 찹스테이크 굿이엇어요 진행도 좋고 경품 감사합니다!! 청창사 홧팅 ㅎㅎ
넘 즐거운 시간이었어요 대표님들 많이 뵙고 이야기도 많이 나눳네요 특히 음식중에 찹스테이크 굿이엇어요 진행도 좋고 경품 감사합니다!! 청창사 홧팅 ㅎㅎ
Hojin Lee
Great! It was really fun
Great! It was really fun
It was good to be able to meet many people and fun to talk them online. Thanks to this event, i had a great time~ :)
It was good to be able to meet many people and fun to talk them online. Thanks to this event, i had a great time~ :)
ㄱ 💠 단단 Lienna
It was actually beyond my expectations. It was a little bit awkward when attendees rotate, but we eventually had a great conversation in the end. I would like to recommend this online program when someone is so busy and is hesitating to meet people in person given the situation at the moment
It was actually beyond my expectations. It was a little bit awkward when attendees rotate, but we eventually had a great conversation in the end. I would like to recommend this online program when someone is so busy and is hesitating to meet people in person given the situation at the moment
Eunice Martins
It's always a fun time and a great way to practice. I've met a lot of people and it's always nice seeing faces you recognize. Even though it can sometimes be awkward at first you quickly find yourself enjoying it. Always looking forward to the next meeting~
It's always a fun time and a great way to practice. I've met a lot of people and it's always nice seeing faces you recognize. Even though it can sometimes be awkward at first you quickly find yourself enjoying it. Always looking forward to the next meeting~

I found this exchange very enriching, there were Americans and Koreans which allowed me (being French) to improve myself in these two languages which are English and Korean, I would like to reproduce the experience again with pleasure
I found this exchange very enriching, there were Americans and Koreans which allowed me (being French) to improve myself in these two languages which are English and Korean, I would like to reproduce the experience again with pleasure
재밌었어요:) 또 참석할 예정입니다.
재밌었어요:) 또 참석할 예정입니다.
Na Young
팀멤버가 좋아서 즐거운 대화였어요 :)
팀멤버가 좋아서 즐거운 대화였어요 :)

It was really interesting because i ve never done like this so.. excited! But Just a shame for me that it didn’t work so well with my connection..but it was good anyway i am gonna do this next time!
It was really interesting because i ve never done like this so.. excited! But Just a shame for me that it didn’t work so well with my connection..but it was good anyway i am gonna do this next time!
There were a few technical problems, so it was difficult to communicate during the first 2 table rotations. But then it turned out great during the end.
There were a few technical problems, so it was difficult to communicate during the first 2 table rotations. But then it turned out great during the end.
ㄱ 💠 단단 Lienna
This is a great program that help people practice talking their thoughts in English online. It is not secure to meet lots of people given the situation these days. So if you want a more safe tool for a communication, this meet- up will be useful. Highly recommended!!
This is a great program that help people practice talking their thoughts in English online. It is not secure to meet lots of people given the situation these days. So if you want a more safe tool for a communication, this meet- up will be useful. Highly recommended!!
It was my first time. I really enjoyed to talk with people from all around the world. Strongly recommend!
It was my first time. I really enjoyed to talk with people from all around the world. Strongly recommend!
It was so good, I have joined a lot of language exchange meetings before and I found them awkward and so... But this one was perfect!
It was so good, I have joined a lot of language exchange meetings before and I found them awkward and so... But this one was perfect!
새로운 친구 사귀는게 이렇게 즐거운 일인지 몰랐네요^^
새로운 친구 사귀는게 이렇게 즐거운 일인지 몰랐네요^^
Helped me to meet new people and learn new languages
Helped me to meet new people and learn new languages
It was a really great time!
It was a really great time!
Fun and helpful
Fun and helpful
I had a lot of fun!
I had a lot of fun!
It's a nice group.
It's a nice group.
Was a very nice meeting!
Was a very nice meeting!
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
다양한 분들을 만날 수 있는 좋은 기회인거 같아요~ 너무 재미있고 유익해요~
다양한 분들을 만날 수 있는 좋은 기회인거 같아요~ 너무 재미있고 유익해요~
Garth Woodworth
David's always great... you can trust his dad
David's always great... you can trust his dad
Sooo nice !!!!
Sooo nice !!!!
I was so happy, i got good exprience , If I have a chance I'm gonna visit again ! Thanks !
I was so happy, i got good exprience , If I have a chance I'm gonna visit again ! Thanks !
Soohyeon Kim
4 stars because my level didn't match a bit. And i found it hard to understand some things ^ ^ But it still was fun ^ ^ i recommend everyone.
4 stars because my level didn't match a bit. And i found it hard to understand some things ^ ^ But it still was fun ^ ^ i recommend everyone.

I had fun time. I wish I can visit gathering in person in Seoul when the situation gets better.
I had fun time. I wish I can visit gathering in person in Seoul when the situation gets better.
Kylie Phillips
love it and be there tonight australia time would love to improve my Korean more and help others with English if needed
love it and be there tonight australia time would love to improve my Korean more and help others with English if needed
This program really helped me !
This program really helped me !
Young Kim
It was great.
It was great.

I had fun time talking with foreign friends!
I had fun time talking with foreign friends!
It was fun!
It was fun!
Young Kim
It was great
It was great
Every members were very friendly !
Every members were very friendly !
Rachel K
It was really interesting :)
It was really interesting :)
It was nice to meet people who have common interests and I admire your passion of trying to learn Korean. Also I will keep my English study as you guys like.
It was nice to meet people who have common interests and I admire your passion of trying to learn Korean. Also I will keep my English study as you guys like.
코로나 시대에 이렇게 사람들과 만나서 대화할 수 있어서 즐거웠어요.^^ 언어 교환 하는 것도 재미있어요^^♡
코로나 시대에 이렇게 사람들과 만나서 대화할 수 있어서 즐거웠어요.^^ 언어 교환 하는 것도 재미있어요^^♡

Rasmus Horst
Good speaking practice. Will definately try again.
Good speaking practice. Will definately try again.

Vimbiso Kombora
I enjoy this exchange because it is guided so you have a good opportunity to practice speaking
I enjoy this exchange because it is guided so you have a good opportunity to practice speaking

Rasmus Horst
I enjoyed my time with David and the other language learners. Their new format with 1 on 1 is good.
I enjoyed my time with David and the other language learners. Their new format with 1 on 1 is good.
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
다양한 친구를 만날 수 있어서 좋고, 재미있었어요~
다양한 친구를 만날 수 있어서 좋고, 재미있었어요~
Van Lam
Great! Very helpful for practicing your target language
Great! Very helpful for practicing your target language
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
재미있는 시간이었습니다. 감사합니다
재미있는 시간이었습니다. 감사합니다
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
It's great time. Thanks!
It's great time. Thanks!
Young Kim
It was really good.
It was really good.

Rasmus Horst
I really enjoyed that weeks language exchange.
I really enjoyed that weeks language exchange.
Hojin Lee
it was great! I like having a conversation with David and everyone there.
it was great! I like having a conversation with David and everyone there.
Very good. But if I get matched with 2 partners, it is little hard to make conversation. Thank you for the amazing program
Very good. But if I get matched with 2 partners, it is little hard to make conversation. Thank you for the amazing program
Tarushi Sharma
Absolutely love these exchange sessions, it’s always great meeting new people and sharing amazing stories and improving vocab and speaking is a complete add on. Thanks for conducting, great topics every time ?
Absolutely love these exchange sessions, it’s always great meeting new people and sharing amazing stories and improving vocab and speaking is a complete add on. Thanks for conducting, great topics every time ?
Kylie Phillips
Great group bit worried due to me being 46 but all good
Great group bit worried due to me being 46 but all good
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
다양한 분들을 만날 수 있어서 너무 좋아요~
다양한 분들을 만날 수 있어서 너무 좋아요~
Tarushi Sharma
Great as always ? learnt a lot, lot many new korean words, the topic for discussion was really fun, had great conversations
Great as always ? learnt a lot, lot many new korean words, the topic for discussion was really fun, had great conversations

good time. i enjoyed time.
good time. i enjoyed time.

Bumsuk Earvin Kim
It was one of the best online meeting that I had! I met many good people and I could be friends with them easily!
It was one of the best online meeting that I had! I met many good people and I could be friends with them easily!
Van Lam
It was great! Very good way to learn Korean
It was great! Very good way to learn Korean

Rasmus Horst
I had a great time with David and the other language learners
I had a great time with David and the other language learners
Great meetup
Great meetup
It was good to talk with people from another continent, improve your English, try my hand at Korean and hear the likes and opinions of other people, I really like these exchanges and I find that very enriching!
It was good to talk with people from another continent, improve your English, try my hand at Korean and hear the likes and opinions of other people, I really like these exchanges and I find that very enriching!
It was amazing!
It was amazing!
Each time, i enjoy communicating with nice people and i thank them for the patience because i don't speak korean yet, but i'm learning sentences, words and especially pronunciation. Christelle
Each time, i enjoy communicating with nice people and i thank them for the patience because i don't speak korean yet, but i'm learning sentences, words and especially pronunciation. Christelle
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
It's really fun. Thanks!!
It's really fun. Thanks!!
It was really fun to talk with people from another country~ First time i was shy but Im getting used to it~:)
It was really fun to talk with people from another country~ First time i was shy but Im getting used to it~:)
Excellent! Each time I learn new Korean words and phrases and I can't see the time passing!
Excellent! Each time I learn new Korean words and phrases and I can't see the time passing!
영어를 잘 못하는데 조금씩 느는거 같아요! 좋아요
영어를 잘 못하는데 조금씩 느는거 같아요! 좋아요

처음엔 어색했지만 다들 언어 배우기에 열정적인 분들이라 금방 익숙해졌어요. 다양한 나라의 분들과 이야기 나눈 것도 좋았어요.
처음엔 어색했지만 다들 언어 배우기에 열정적인 분들이라 금방 익숙해졌어요. 다양한 나라의 분들과 이야기 나눈 것도 좋았어요.
Fantastic thank you!
Fantastic thank you!
Hojin Lee
very good, nice people from all over the world
very good, nice people from all over the world
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
It was so much fun and great opportunity to meet diverse people.
It was so much fun and great opportunity to meet diverse people.
Nicole Sbitani
The language exchange ran smoothly and the lead was very organized. The time allotted for each rotation was just right, and I enjoyed getting to meet people virtually and practice Korean safely during the pandemic. I will definitely be attending again!
The language exchange ran smoothly and the lead was very organized. The time allotted for each rotation was just right, and I enjoyed getting to meet people virtually and practice Korean safely during the pandemic. I will definitely be attending again!
Like always very cool and funny!
Like always very cool and funny!
Srishti Rai
Enjoyed a lot, learned many new things about Korea. People are very friendly~
Enjoyed a lot, learned many new things about Korea. People are very friendly~
Corona 시대에 다양한 나라사람들과 소통할 수 있어서 유익한 것 같아요. 만족스럽습니다 :) *간혹 내가 혹은 다른사람의 wifi가 문제되면 끊길수도 있는데 괜찮아요.
Corona 시대에 다양한 나라사람들과 소통할 수 있어서 유익한 것 같아요. 만족스럽습니다 :) *간혹 내가 혹은 다른사람의 wifi가 문제되면 끊길수도 있는데 괜찮아요.
네 즐겁고 재밌는 시간이였어요!
네 즐겁고 재밌는 시간이였어요!
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
재미있고 다양한 분들을 만날수 있어요 좋아요~
재미있고 다양한 분들을 만날수 있어요 좋아요~
Yesterday was very good! I met some beautiful people and finally I was able to say 2 sentences in Korean and I feel happy and motivated! ?
Yesterday was very good! I met some beautiful people and finally I was able to say 2 sentences in Korean and I feel happy and motivated! ?
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
다양한 주제로 부담없이 언어교환 할 수 있어서 너무 좋은거 같아요~^^
다양한 주제로 부담없이 언어교환 할 수 있어서 너무 좋은거 같아요~^^
Yunsil Her
정말 즐겁고 재밌었습니다. 오랜만에 영어로 말하는거라서 걱정했었는데 걱정할 필요가 없었어요! 준비된 질문들로 대화를 시작하니 자연스럽게 다른 대화로 넘어가고 재밌었습니다! 감사합니다 :)
정말 즐겁고 재밌었습니다. 오랜만에 영어로 말하는거라서 걱정했었는데 걱정할 필요가 없었어요! 준비된 질문들로 대화를 시작하니 자연스럽게 다른 대화로 넘어가고 재밌었습니다! 감사합니다 :)
Andy (Kyungmo) Yang
It was great time to talk about fun topics with diverse people. Thanks!
It was great time to talk about fun topics with diverse people. Thanks!

Hyeseong Oh (Leila)
Casual, comfortable yet organized online meeting in the recent Covid-19 situation! Would like to join again. Thanks!
Casual, comfortable yet organized online meeting in the recent Covid-19 situation! Would like to join again. Thanks!
지민 Jenna
코로나때문에 오프라인 모임 참석이 어려웠는데 이렇게 온라인 언어교환 너무 좋은 아이디어인것 같아요! 언어교환도 짜여진 스케쥴대로 진행해주시고, 토픽이면 토픽, 소규모로 나눠지는 대화까지 . 좋아요! 가능하면 계속 참여하고 싶습니다 :)
코로나때문에 오프라인 모임 참석이 어려웠는데 이렇게 온라인 언어교환 너무 좋은 아이디어인것 같아요! 언어교환도 짜여진 스케쥴대로 진행해주시고, 토픽이면 토픽, 소규모로 나눠지는 대화까지 . 좋아요! 가능하면 계속 참여하고 싶습니다 :)
It was so much fun and it's really good way to meet a friends around the world.
It was so much fun and it's really good way to meet a friends around the world.

여러 외국인들과 대화할 수 있는 기회를 가져서 좋았어요.
여러 외국인들과 대화할 수 있는 기회를 가져서 좋았어요.
오랜만에 새로운 사람들과 만나, 대화할 수 있어 좋았습니다~!영어와 한국어를 번갈아 대화를 하니, 부담도 덜해 편한 마음으로 참여했습니다. 코로나로 밖에 못나가니 답답했는데, 화상으로 참여할 수 있어 좋아습니다.
오랜만에 새로운 사람들과 만나, 대화할 수 있어 좋았습니다~!영어와 한국어를 번갈아 대화를 하니, 부담도 덜해 편한 마음으로 참여했습니다. 코로나로 밖에 못나가니 답답했는데, 화상으로 참여할 수 있어 좋아습니다.
Jewon Lee
It was perfect time for me, specifically I could exchange three people in a hour. I could take a lot of lessons from them. Hopefully I could join this again soon
It was perfect time for me, specifically I could exchange three people in a hour. I could take a lot of lessons from them. Hopefully I could join this again soon
It was so long time but it was funny
It was so long time but it was funny
Kylie Phillips
It was great I am returning to Seoul from leaving Adelaide on 9 may 2024 jetting into Seoul next day so looking forward to retti am now 50 years so I hope my age will not be a problem
It was great I am returning to Seoul from leaving Adelaide on 9 may 2024 jetting into Seoul next day so looking forward to retti am now 50 years so I hope my age will not be a problem
Upcoming classes with David Woodworth
Sorry, David Woodworth isn't hosting any upcoming events
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