GSM Hongdae host
GSM Hongdae
GSM Hongdae Every Wednesday GSM 홍대 매주 수요일!
저번주보다 사람이 많이 왔네요!
저번주보다 사람이 많이 왔네요!
This meet up was super nice and I met a lot of good people!
This meet up was super nice and I met a lot of good people!
Really useful korean gym!
Really useful korean gym!

Steven (kr)
Fun time with fun people
Fun time with fun people

The evening was pretty good. Nothing too unusual. Nice people. Interesting stories.
The evening was pretty good. Nothing too unusual. Nice people. Interesting stories.
Super nice meet-up!
Super nice meet-up!
Eva Lia Schneider
Very helpful and fun to meet new people. I will come again!
Very helpful and fun to meet new people. I will come again!

Steven (kr)
More people came and it was fun to talk with them for various topics
More people came and it was fun to talk with them for various topics

Jae Yoo
The main tall worker is fluent in both languages and friendly as can be
The main tall worker is fluent in both languages and friendly as can be

재미있는 많은 걸 배우게 되었어요. 넘 좋아요 ♡♡♡
재미있는 많은 걸 배우게 되었어요. 넘 좋아요 ♡♡♡

중국어 못해도 잘 이끌어주시고, 게임도 하고 즐거웠습니다~^^.
중국어 못해도 잘 이끌어주시고, 게임도 하고 즐거웠습니다~^^.
Little Ryan
Various people enjoyed the party! Student, officer, American, and Korean. Come to GSM, and enjoy party at night!!
Various people enjoyed the party! Student, officer, American, and Korean. Come to GSM, and enjoy party at night!!

This course was interesting and useful and 현teacher is awesome ☺
This course was interesting and useful and 현teacher is awesome ☺
Nice meet-up!
Nice meet-up!
Boyu Zhang
Interesting and met lot of funny people!
Interesting and met lot of funny people!
Sarah Poisner
The people were really friendly and welcome. It’s a great place to practice a language with other interested people.
The people were really friendly and welcome. It’s a great place to practice a language with other interested people.

Steven (kr)
Relatively more new faces and good chat
Relatively more new faces and good chat

맨날 가고 싶은 모임~
맨날 가고 싶은 모임~

She’s awesome! Always learn loads :)
She’s awesome! Always learn loads :)
Massa Celine
My tutor 이동호 was kind and he only spoke in Korean with me. So I really appreciated it. ? If you want to practice speaking, this tutor is perfect for you.
My tutor 이동호 was kind and he only spoke in Korean with me. So I really appreciated it. ? If you want to practice speaking, this tutor is perfect for you.

My trainer was fantastic, energetic, and focused. Thanks!
My trainer was fantastic, energetic, and focused. Thanks!
崔桂和 최규화
사람들은 적었지만 그만큼 다양한 이야기들을 할수 있어서 좋았습니다.
사람들은 적었지만 그만큼 다양한 이야기들을 할수 있어서 좋았습니다.

옆에서 같이 도와줬던 중국인 아사친구 정말 좋았습니다. 한국어도 유창하게 잘하고 덕분에 언어도 많이 배웠어요. 오랜만에 의미있는 시간을 보냈습니다. 친구도 시귀고 언어교환도 하고 짱입니다.
옆에서 같이 도와줬던 중국인 아사친구 정말 좋았습니다. 한국어도 유창하게 잘하고 덕분에 언어도 많이 배웠어요. 오랜만에 의미있는 시간을 보냈습니다. 친구도 시귀고 언어교환도 하고 짱입니다.
자유롭게 이야기하면서 새로운 단어 알려줬어요
자유롭게 이야기하면서 새로운 단어 알려줬어요

Ian Kresky
So fun, as always
So fun, as always

I meet a lot of new people. It was nice to talk with them.. I met some friend who have passion like me. I gained some good energy from them. :)
I meet a lot of new people. It was nice to talk with them.. I met some friend who have passion like me. I gained some good energy from them. :)

The environment is really nice and chill. The people there are very friendly and willing to help you and talk.
The environment is really nice and chill. The people there are very friendly and willing to help you and talk.

Steven (kr)
Happy to have a nice organizing staff...great job!
Happy to have a nice organizing staff...great job!
Kevin Lim
Very good! It was my first time ever, everybody was super nice and very talkative, even though I went there alone, I talked a lot and met a lot of people, I just moved to Seoul and I can definitely recommend this! Everybody really comes to the event with an open mind, this is awesome for meeting new people!
Very good! It was my first time ever, everybody was super nice and very talkative, even though I went there alone, I talked a lot and met a lot of people, I just moved to Seoul and I can definitely recommend this! Everybody really comes to the event with an open mind, this is awesome for meeting new people!

오랜만에 참석한 홍대모임이었는데 상당히 즐거웠습니다!!
오랜만에 참석한 홍대모임이었는데 상당히 즐거웠습니다!!

Ian Kresky
She was wonderful just like last time. Very engaging
She was wonderful just like last time. Very engaging

어제 정말 재미있고 색다른 경험이었습니다. 뒤풀이를 못가 정말 아쉬웠으나 그래도 좋았습니다
어제 정말 재미있고 색다른 경험이었습니다. 뒤풀이를 못가 정말 아쉬웠으나 그래도 좋았습니다
Little Ryan
미국에서 온 Ian과 함께 재미난 한국어 프리토킹 시간을 보냈어요^^ 휴대폰 사용 경험, 여행 경험 등 다양한 주제로 한 시간 동안 이야기 했어요~ GSM 한국어 트레이닝의 꽃! 프리토킹 시간 짱이에요!! GSM에 놀러오세요!!!
미국에서 온 Ian과 함께 재미난 한국어 프리토킹 시간을 보냈어요^^ 휴대폰 사용 경험, 여행 경험 등 다양한 주제로 한 시간 동안 이야기 했어요~ GSM 한국어 트레이닝의 꽃! 프리토킹 시간 짱이에요!! GSM에 놀러오세요!!!

도움이 많이 되었고 프리토킹이라 걱정 많이 했지만 대화 많이 할 수있게 도와주는 분위기라서 좋았습니다. 커피 뿐만 아니라 술 도 먹을 수 있어서 자유로웠구여. 친구들 만나는 분위기라 좋았습니다 :)
도움이 많이 되었고 프리토킹이라 걱정 많이 했지만 대화 많이 할 수있게 도와주는 분위기라서 좋았습니다. 커피 뿐만 아니라 술 도 먹을 수 있어서 자유로웠구여. 친구들 만나는 분위기라 좋았습니다 :)

이무렵은 사람이 너무 많이 오지 않아서 적당하고 재밌었다
이무렵은 사람이 너무 많이 오지 않아서 적당하고 재밌었다

Lee Sang Eon
좋았어요 ㅎㅎ 오랜만에 가니 재밌네요
좋았어요 ㅎㅎ 오랜만에 가니 재밌네요
Kevin Lim
As always, fun and exciting to meet new people like this! A very good place to start if you dont know anyone in Korea :)
As always, fun and exciting to meet new people like this! A very good place to start if you dont know anyone in Korea :)

It was like a normal language exchange, not a pub party. Anyway, it was good to know new friends there.
It was like a normal language exchange, not a pub party. Anyway, it was good to know new friends there.

It was great. They were so nice.
It was great. They were so nice.

We can talk in the good atmosphere, thanks pf. Seohee
We can talk in the good atmosphere, thanks pf. Seohee

언어 교환 분위기가 매우 좋습니다. 친구들은 처음 뵙아도 영어로 취미, 생활 등을 친절하게 얘기할 수 있습니다. 제가 영어 교환을 참가했으니 교류 기법도 많이 받아들였습니다. 정말 재미있습니다.
언어 교환 분위기가 매우 좋습니다. 친구들은 처음 뵙아도 영어로 취미, 생활 등을 친절하게 얘기할 수 있습니다. 제가 영어 교환을 참가했으니 교류 기법도 많이 받아들였습니다. 정말 재미있습니다.

좋앗어요 근데 너무 일찍부터 가서 에너지가 소진되었습니다 ㅠㅍ
좋앗어요 근데 너무 일찍부터 가서 에너지가 소진되었습니다 ㅠㅍ

It's useful for learning English
It's useful for learning English

The trainers are awesome as always!
The trainers are awesome as always!

어제 친구랑 잘 얘기해서 새 친구도 알게 됐습니다.동갑 친구도 만나서 잘 보냈습니다.
어제 친구랑 잘 얘기해서 새 친구도 알게 됐습니다.동갑 친구도 만나서 잘 보냈습니다.
It was organized. I enjoyed. Thank you!
It was organized. I enjoyed. Thank you!

Moonseok Jung
Great vibe and great people with same purpose! love this place and I would recommend this to anyone who has passion in learning English & meeting new people from different cultural backgrounds :)
Great vibe and great people with same purpose! love this place and I would recommend this to anyone who has passion in learning English & meeting new people from different cultural backgrounds :)
Daehyun Lim
I participated in this meet-up last Saturday. The meet-up's atmosphere was really good. All people are kind and it was a good time to share various perspectives with each other. I would like to recommend this meet-up to other people who want to practice English in real life.
I participated in this meet-up last Saturday. The meet-up's atmosphere was really good. All people are kind and it was a good time to share various perspectives with each other. I would like to recommend this meet-up to other people who want to practice English in real life.

I have a good time yesterday.Although I have been there too late,but I have chatted with another friends inEnglish and learned English knowledges.
I have a good time yesterday.Although I have been there too late,but I have chatted with another friends inEnglish and learned English knowledges.

코로나때문에 사람이 적어서 아쉬운 부분이 많았지만서도 스페인어그룹에서는 화기애애한 분위기가 연출되어 "다음에 또 와야지" 라는 수줍은 마음으로 귀가 하였습니다. 다음주에는 듀올링고랑 스페인어교재로 미리 예습하여 일취월장한 모습으로 원어민 튜터님을 깜짝 놀라게 할 생각입니다. ^,. ^;
코로나때문에 사람이 적어서 아쉬운 부분이 많았지만서도 스페인어그룹에서는 화기애애한 분위기가 연출되어 "다음에 또 와야지" 라는 수줍은 마음으로 귀가 하였습니다. 다음주에는 듀올링고랑 스페인어교재로 미리 예습하여 일취월장한 모습으로 원어민 튜터님을 깜짝 놀라게 할 생각입니다. ^,. ^;

Ian Kresky
Super fun and so many people as always!
Super fun and so many people as always!
오랜만에 일본어로 열심히 이야기 했어요~^^ 편안한 분위기에 즐거웠습니다^^ 久しぶりに日本語でずっと喋れてた楽しかったです。 また行きます!✌︎('ω')✌︎
오랜만에 일본어로 열심히 이야기 했어요~^^ 편안한 분위기에 즐거웠습니다^^ 久しぶりに日本語でずっと喋れてた楽しかったです。 また行きます!✌︎('ω')✌︎
사람이 적어서 대화를 많이 할 수 있어요
사람이 적어서 대화를 많이 할 수 있어요

john travis
영어회화에 많은 도움이됩니다.
영어회화에 많은 도움이됩니다.
다양한 주제로 한국어와 일본어 번갈아가며 대화 할 수 있는게 좋았습니다
다양한 주제로 한국어와 일본어 번갈아가며 대화 할 수 있는게 좋았습니다
Victoria Bui
what made it great was my tutor- she took it seriously and really helped me- I enjoyed it very much.
what made it great was my tutor- she took it seriously and really helped me- I enjoyed it very much.
Tristan Whang
She was so nice and really wanted to help me learn. I am extremely thankful for her help :)
She was so nice and really wanted to help me learn. I am extremely thankful for her help :)

Sean Lee
Great session for my English practice! Will come again~!
Great session for my English practice! Will come again~!

It was totally worthwhile! I had a great time talking with people. Next time I will definitely join again!
It was totally worthwhile! I had a great time talking with people. Next time I will definitely join again!
Tristan Whang
I am sometimes afraid to meet new tutors but I was extremely happy :D
I am sometimes afraid to meet new tutors but I was extremely happy :D

marco jun byun
Always a pleasure to meet new people and talk comfortably with others while having a drink ^^
Always a pleasure to meet new people and talk comfortably with others while having a drink ^^

Although it was small, we laughed and had a fun time.
Although it was small, we laughed and had a fun time.

James my tutor not just helped me with my Korean but how to stand up to some difficult people. And GSM I know it is a hard time but people still want to meet face to face. Dont give up. I love yesterday Korean class and the meeting even just 5 people. Dont give up
James my tutor not just helped me with my Korean but how to stand up to some difficult people. And GSM I know it is a hard time but people still want to meet face to face. Dont give up. I love yesterday Korean class and the meeting even just 5 people. Dont give up
Little Ryan
좋은 친구를 많이 만나서 좋았어요.
좋은 친구를 많이 만나서 좋았어요.

I made a friend. It was a fun time.
I made a friend. It was a fun time.
Upcoming classes with GSM Hongdae
Sorry, GSM Hongdae isn't hosting any upcoming events
Upcoming events you may like
[Students Only] 홍대 1 English - Korean
Hongdae1 FridayFeb 7, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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[Students Only] 홍대 2 Japanese-Korean
Hongdae2 FridayFeb 7, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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[Students Only] 홍대 3 Chinese-Korean
Hongdae2 FridayFeb 7, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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International Party at GSM Tables in Gangnam
Gangnam FridayFeb 7, 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM
10,000 KRW
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International Party at GSM Tables in Gangnam
Gangnam SaturdayFeb 8, 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM
10,000 KRW
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English-Korean Language Exchange - Gangnam
Gangnam SaturdayFeb 8, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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Korean Gym - 1:2 and 1:1 Korean Tutor
Gangnam SaturdayFeb 8, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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Korean Gym - 1:1 and 1:2 Korean Tutor
Gangnam SundayFeb 9, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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Korean Gym - 1:2 and 1:1 Korean Tutor
Gangnam SundayFeb 9, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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English-Korean Language Exchange - Gangnam
Gangnam SundayFeb 9, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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Korean Gym - 1:1 and 1:2 Korean Tutor
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10,000 KRW
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[Students Only] 고대 2 Japanese - Korean
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[Students Only] 고대 1 English - Korean
kull WednesdayFeb 12, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
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English-Korean Language Exchange
Gangnam WednesdayFeb 12, 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
10,000 KRW
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